EPISODE 25 - Maintaining Resiliency in the Face of Stress and Adversity with Susan Drumm

In this episode, Michael invites founder and CEO of Meritage Leadership, Susan Drumm to the show to talk about leadership, resilience, and the importance of delegation. Susan speaks to her experience with helping leaders become more effective as well as top assessment tools she utilizes in her work, including 360 Feedback and the Enneagram tools.

EPISODE 24 - Ethics, Value, & Purpose with Albert Erisman

In this episode of CEO Brain Food, Michael invites executive, professor and author, Albert Erisman to the show to talk about ethics, value and purpose within organizations. Al is Executive in Residence at the School of Business and Economics Seattle Pacific University. He is also the co-chairman of the Theology of Work Project and editor of Ethix Magazine. Michael and Al talk about their belief that purpose and ethics outweigh pure profit in measuring the success of an organization. Al shares stories from his book, The ServiceMaster Story, including a breakdown of the Four Objectives. Finally, they expound on the value of setting a proper foundation, hiring the right people, and fostering a culture where everyone buys into an organization’s goals and objectives.

EPISODE 23 - Mastering The Great Game with Jack Stack

In this episode of CEO Brain Food, Michael invites author, strategist, and Founder, President and CEO of SRC Holdings Corporation, Jack Stack on to discuss his experience as a pioneer of leadership through open-book management. Michael and Jack talk about The Great Game of Business as well as Jack’s latest book, Change The Game. They expound on the importance of forecasting, critical numbers, and job creation. Finally, Jack shares his thoughts on the state of the economy as well as his predictions for the year ahead.

EPISODE 22 - Coaching with a Purpose with Mark Green

In this episode of CEO Brain Food, Michael invites Mark Green on to discuss his experience as a strategic advisor and coach to CEOs and executive teams worldwide. Throughout his career, Mark has addressed, coached and advised thousands of business leaders, helping them unlock more of their potential and teaching them how to do the same for their teams. Michael and Mark discuss hidden growth killers, universal quantifiers, and the five symptoms of fear. Mark speaks to the value he places on purposefulness and the strategic benefit organizations gain from having a clear purpose. Finally, Mark talks about his book, Activators, as well as other projects that are occupying his time.

EPISODE 21 - The Great Game Interview with Rich Armstrong and Steve Baker

In this episode of CEO Brain Food, Michael invites Rich Armstrong and Steve Baker on to discuss their respective roles as President and Vice President at The Great Game of Business. Rich and Steve address the concept of open-book management, one that is at the core of The Great Game of Business. They speak to the importance of investing in hiring a dominant workforce, engaging employees to become better business thinkers, and the concept of self-funded bonuses. Finally, Rich and Steve discuss the value of curating a healthy culture within an organization.

EPISODE 20 - Achieving Financial Independence with Paul Adams

In this episode of CEO Brain Food, Michael invites Paul Adams on to discuss the work he does helping clients design and build a life that can lead to financial independence. Paul is the founder and CEO of Sound Financial Group, an organization that helps individuals, small businesses and corporations navigate through all phases of their wealth-building journey. Michael and Paul discuss common mistakes entrepreneurs make, the proper formula for valuing a business, and the ever-expanding role of a CEO. Finally, Paul provides an interesting thought experiment and speaks to his podcast, Your Business, Your Wealth.

EPISODE 19 - Purpose is Central to Strategy

In this episode of CEO Brain Food, Michael talks about the importance of finding your purpose and making that purpose a key driver in strategy. Michael discusses the rise in popularity of entrepreneurship and suggests that a key reason for this phenomenon is that individuals are yearning to find a sense of purpose. Michael touches on the concept of Massive Transformational Purpose, or MTPs, which are big, ambitious grand challenges. They serve as the directional compass for organizations such as Disney, Google, Apple, and Coca-Cola. Finally, Michael shares the story of how he found his own purpose and leaves the audience with a self-inquiry question to consider.

EPISODE 18 - Lifetime Learning with Daniel Marcos

In this episode of CEO Brain Food, Michael invites Daniel Marcos on to discuss his experience as an entrepreneur and CEO. Daniel is the co-founder and CEO of Growth Institute, the leading online executive education company for C level executives at fast growing firms. Michael and Daniel break down the four growth stages of business, the inherent value of coaching, and the importance of self-care. Finally, Daniel shares his beliefs on core values and speaks to his Master of Business Dynamics Program.